Camille 20th April 2021

Dear Edwina, You cannot read this, but a lot of other people who love you too will. Somehow this brings us closer. We have not known each other very long (about 3 years), and I wish I had met you many many years ago. Our first encounter was in the office : I could not help but compliment your fantastic looking - and incredibly uncomfortable high heel shoes, and we had a big laugh about it. We worked a bit together but we were mostly friends-from-the-office, where your beautiful smile and energy were lighting up the entire floor. The last time we talked a few weeks ago, we debriefed about an ongoing project. Well. After talking at length about a lot of other things and laughing a lot. Thank you for being so wonderful, and for touching my life. I miss you, and this is how I will remember you: happily laughing. I think of you and your family a lot. I have unfortunately never met them, but I wish them strength and send them love. Cami